21 research outputs found

    Software Engineering Timeline: major areas of interest and multidisciplinary trends

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    Ingeniería del software. EvolucionSociety today cannot run without software and by extension, without Software Engineering. Since this discipline emerged in 1968, practitioners have learned valuable lessons that have contributed to current practices. Some have become outdated but many are still relevant and widely used. From the personal and incomplete perspective of the authors, this paper not only reviews the major milestones and areas of interest in the Software Engineering timeline helping software engineers to appreciate the state of things, but also tries to give some insights into the trends that this complex engineering will see in the near future

    Ant Colony Optimization for Requirement selection in Incremental Software development

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    This proposal shows that ACO systems can be applied to problems of requirements selection in software incremental development, with the idea of obtaining better results of those produced by expert judgment alone. The evaluation of the ACO systems should be done through a compared analysis with greedy and simulated annealing algorithms, performing experiments with some problems instance

    Libro de estilo para la memoria del TFG de informática de la UAL

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    En este documento se recoge una plantilla que mostrará tanto el formato como el posible contenido de un Trabajo fin de estudios modelo, para los estudios de informática de la Universidad del Almería. Servirá de ayuda para la realización de los trabajos académicos que, durante la formación universitaria, constituyen una actividad permanente. (https://www.overleaf.com/read/ngbvqvmzhymb) (https://github.com/imaguila/MemoriaTFG-UAL.git

    Metamodeling of Bayesian networks for decision-support systems development

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    The knowledge modeling and software modeling phases in Knowledge-Based System development are not integrable, in terms of representation, due to the different languages needed at the steps of the development. This paper focuses on bring closer these languages. By one hand, we define a meta model which contains the key concepts used in the definition of a knowledge model as a Bayesian network. On the other hand, we define an extension of UML using profiles that can bridge the gap in representation and facilitate the seamless incorporation of a knowledge model, as Bayesian network, in the context of a knowledge-based software development

    Requirement Risk Level Forecast Using Bayesian Networks Classifiers

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    Requirement engineering is a key issue in the development of a software project. Like any other development activity it is not without risks. This work is about the empirical study of risks of requirements by applying machine learning techniques, specifically Bayesian networks classifiers. We have defined several models to predict the risk level for a given requirement using three dataset that collect metrics taken from the requirement specifications of different projects. The classification accuracy of the Bayesian models obtained is evaluated and compared using several classification performance measures. The results of the experiments show that the Bayesians networks allow obtaining valid predictors. Specifically, a tree augmented network structure shows a competitive experimental performance in all datasets. Besides, the relations established between the variables collected to determine the level of risk in a requirement, match with those set by requirement engineers. We show that Bayesian networks are valid tools for the automation of risks assessment in requirement engineering

    Milestones in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering History: A Comparative Review

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    We present a review of the historical evolution of software engineering, intertwining it with the history of knowledge engineering because “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This retrospective represents a further step forward to understanding the current state of both types of engineerings; history has also positive experiences; some of them we would like to remember and to repeat. Two types of engineerings had parallel and divergent evolutions but following a similar pattern. We also define a set of milestones that represent a convergence or divergence of the software development methodologies. These milestones do not appear at the same time in software engineering and knowledge engineering, so lessons learned in one discipline can help in the evolution of the other one

    Flujo de trabajo para la experimentación colaborativa en Ingeniería del Software guiada por búsqueda

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    La Ingeniería del Software Guiada por Búsqueda persigue reformular problemas de Ingeniería del Software que a menudo comprenden objetivos en conflicto, como problemas de optimización. Así, las técnicas que se aplican en esta disciplina buscan una o un conjunto de soluciones casi-óptimas en un espacio de soluciones candidatas con la ayuda de una función de aptitud que les permita distinguir las mejores soluciones. La naturaleza estocástica de los algoritmos de optimización requiere de la repetición de las búsquedas para mitigar los efectos de la aleatoriedad. A la hora de comparar algoritmos, el investigador comparará los resultados con mejor calidad (mejores valores en la función de aptitud, en indicadores de calidad y rendimiento) devueltos en las búsquedas, lo que conlleva un trabajo adicional por parte del investigador. La sobrecarga que implica esta actividad puede aminorarse si la experimentación se enfoca de manera colaborativa. Este artículo propone un flujo de trabajo para la experimentación colaborativa basado en resultados e indicadores de calidad y rendimiento

    Un modelo de solución tecnológica a la sanidad vegetal

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    En este trabajo muestra cómo aplicar soluciones tecnológicas concretas a las principales tareas relativas a la sanidad vegetal. Proponemos un modelo de las tareas en términos de flujos de trabajo. Cada una de estas tareas se mapea con una aplicación software concreta y en el caso de la selección de un tratamiento fitosanitario en una situación específica se describe un método estructurado para la toma de decisiones que puede ser aplicable el proceso analítico jerárquico (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)

    Decision making models embedded into a web-based tool for assessing pest infestation risk

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    Current practices in agricultural management involve the application of rules and techniques to ensure high quality and environmentally friendly production. Based on their experience, agricultural technicians and farmers make critical decisions affecting crop growth while considering several interwoven agricultural, technological, environmental, legal and economic factors. In this context, decision support systems and the knowledge models that support them, enable the incorporation of valuable experience into software systems providing support to agricultural technicians to make rapid and effective decisions for efficient crop growth. Pest control is an important issue in agricultural management due to crop yield reductions caused by pests and it involves expert knowledge. This paper presents a formalisation of the pest control problem and the workflow followed by agricultural technicians and farmers in integrated pest management, the crop production strategy that combines different practices for growing healthy crops whilst minimising pesticide use. A generic decision schema for estimating infestation risk of a given pest on a given crop is defined and it acts as a metamodel for the maintenance and extension of the knowledge embedded in a pest management decision support system which is also presented. This software tool has been implemented by integrating a rule-based tool into web-based architecture. Evaluation from validity and usability perspectives concluded that both agricultural technicians and farmers considered it a useful tool in pest control, particularly for training new technicians and inexperienced farmers

    SAVIA. Un sistema web de ayuda a la decisión para control de plagas

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    Este trabajo presenta SAVIA, una aplicación web de soporte a la decisión en el control de plagas y enfermedades en el cultivo de la uva de mesa. Para su construcción se ha aplicado un método de desarrollo de software basado en la metodología de desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos, que permite la generación automática de la aplicación web a partir del modelo conceptual del problema